Sustainability Imperative

Exploring the “G” of ESG Investing: The Role of Governance in Socially Responsible Investing

Amanda Wallace is excited about the “G” of ESG investing. Her work as Managing Director at J.P. Morgan Asset Management heavily involves the governance factor of the Environmental, Social, and Governance principles that drive socially responsible investing. The environmental components of ESG are well known, including climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, water security, and waste disposal considerations. Many people are also familiar with social metrics that include human rights, labor standards and working conditions, and gender and diversity.

Big Ideas Take Center Stage at the Yale Environmental Dialogue

Big ideas for the future of sustainability were the focus of this month’s Yale Environmental Dialogue Symposium. The Symposium convened thought leaders from across sectors to formulate, discuss, and debate new ideas for solutions to today’s major environmental problems. Throughout the Symposium, participants generated ideas around the role of cities, the future of smallholder farms, how law can address the climate crisis, how we can shift our thinking to create equitable and lasting change, and more.

#48: Dan Esty

Dan Esty is the Director of the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy (YCELP) and the Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy. Dan sits down with Lucy Kessler, the YCELP Communications RA, to discuss his new article “Red Lights to Green Lights: From 20th Century Environmental Regulation to 21st Century Sustainability,” on the need to shift the approach toward environmental regulation to embrace a new sustainability strategy for the 21st century.

Remaking The Paris 2015 Climate Change Agreement To Ensure Broader Engagement

by Daniel C. Esty

For two decades, the global response to climate change has centered on a top-down, national-government-led framework based on a series of emissions reduction targets and timetables. But this international treaty architecture has produced neither the action orientation nor the on-the-ground results needed to address the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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