“Rethinking Climate Change Progress” with Ali Zaidi, former White House National Climate Advisor
In a conversation moderated by Dan Esty, Ali Zaidi discussed the Biden administration’s approach to climate as an economic and industrial policy issue and strategies for climate policymaking under the current administration. Zaidi also emphasized the need for flexible climate narratives that move past blame apportionment to building visions of economic mobility and collaboration. The event concluded with a reception offering attendees opportunity for further engagement with Zaidi.

“Making Sense of the Election Results and What It Means for Environmental Policy” featuring Professor Dan Esty and former Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-CT5)
Nov. 18th, 2024
This conversation, hosted by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Environmental Policy Analysis Learning Community, created space for students and community members to discuss how the 2024 Presidential Election results might impact the future of environmental policy. The conversation was led by Professor Dan Esty and former Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-CT5) and aimed to facilitate honest dialogue and provided opportunities for audience participation through questions for the speakers. Elizabeth and Dan offered their insights as to why the Democratic Party was unsuccessful in this year’s election, providing suggestions and encouraging students and community members to advocate at all different levels of government. The conversation concluded with the reminder that this conversation should continue, and that there is lots of work to be done.
How to Rev Up One of the Greatest Engines of Sustainability
Oct. 31, 2024
During a recent visit to the Yale School of the Environment, André Hoffmann, vice-chair of the global healthcare company Roche, and business journalist Peter Vanham discussed their new book, “The New Nature of Business: The Path to Prosperity & Sustainability,” and explained why we can no longer afford to measure business success solely in terms of financial return.
“Remaking the International Trade System for Climate Change Action” Panel
Sept. 25th, 2024
Yale Climate Week NYC 2024 featured a panel on developments on trade system reform as sketched out in the Villars Framework for a Sustainable Global Trade System, Version 2.0. Keynote speakers discussed community-centered approaches to climate, tackling hard-to-carbonize sectors, the growing role of trade in the climate conversation, the creation of a 21st century trade system, and more.

“Against All Odds: How Bipartisan Climate Leadership Can Succeed in 2025 and Beyond” Panel
Sept. 27th, 2024
In this Climate Week NYC panel, speakers shared their experiences in climate leadership, emphasizing the importance of bipartisanship. In a moderated Q&A segment, panelists discussed upcoming climate action priorities in Congress and the path forward to effective bipartisan climate action.

Advisory Board Meeting
Sept. 27th, 2024
Members of the YCELP Advisory Board met during Climate Week NYC to discuss project updates for Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Global Commons Stewardship Index (GCSI), Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance (YISF), Remaking Global Trade for a Sustainable Future, and YCELP financial and strategic direction.

“The Conservative Environmentalist” Book Talk with Author Benji Backer
Moderated by Yale Professor Dan Esty, this conversation focuses on the importance of bipartisan collaboration in addressing environmental challenges, particularly climate change.
YCELP fellow launches new podcast, Fossil vs Future
July 18, 2024
James Cameron, executive fellow at Yale Center for Environmental Policy, has launched a podcast called Fossil vs Future with co-host Daisy Nicholls. Each episode explores a climate-related challenge through intergenerational discussion of individual perspectives and experiences. Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.